Earlier this afternoon, Abby and I caroused Rockwall, finishing up our Christmas shopping (and I confess to buying myself blue mascara - I can't go into Wal-Mart without purchasing ridiculous makeup). As soon as we got home, the muscles in the left side of my back attacked me, and I've been nursing the heating pad on the couch ever since.
Hopefully, the pain killers do their thing, because tonight, the gang is supposed to go to the IMAX theater at Firewheel. I'm super-excited, not only because I haven't seen an IMAX movie since some film with bears that we saw with the Williams when I was a kid (I sat by Christian, my heart all aflutter), but because we're going to see Avatar. Now, in some ways, this movie looks like it could be lame, but I have high hopes for it, because it's directed by James Cameron. Cameron is usually pretty good about not relegating women to accessory roles in action films - think Sarah Connor in Terminator. Plus, the movie has Michelle Rodriguez.
To sum up my feelings about Michelle Rodriguez: I want her on me. Sure, she may be a little one-dimensional, but she plays a great action role, and I totally love her. She's so badass and sexy, and makes me wish I had dark skin, a sonorous voice, and a really convincing badass snarl. Alas, I am pale and unintimidating. I do sort of have a deep voice, but not really in a sexy way - it's more of a "Hey, that ambiguously-gendered person needs to learn to use their inside voice." kind of thing. Sigh.
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