Moneylessness, new-purselessness, and other innapropriate uses of the suffix "-ness".

Author: Notoriously, Mandy. / Labels: ,

I realized today that I haven't bought myself anything since that purse that I bought a few weeks before Christmas. Yes, it's true - not only have I not purchased a new purse in almost a month, I also haven't bought myself so much as a pair of SOCKS during that amount of time. Tonight, while browsing (maybe I should avoid doing that, in times of cashlessness), I cried. On the inside. But when Gramcracker gave me a gift certificate to Ross for Christmas, a part of me almost wished that it were cash, so I could use it to pay bills. Yes, times are THAT hard. But it's not all bad. Maybe I'll learn that there are more important things in life than material possessions. Or, maybe I'll just start shoplifting.