On Babies.

Author: Notoriously, Mandy. / Labels: , ,

This afternoon, I watched a six-months-pregnant woman smoke three cigarettes in two hours.

Don't get me wrong: I strongly believe in a woman's right to choose, but I also think that, once you opt to carry your pregnancy to term, you should, like, take it seriously or something. Yes, I know that smoking during pregnancy will probably only result in a premature baby with asthma - but, still. It happens so often that I see people my age who have children, but are determined to maintain their pre-baby lifestyle. I'm sure that's fun, but, in my opinion, even if you didn't wind up with stretchmarks, a baby should cramp your style considerably. Because, in case you didn't know, babies are pretty much the Mark of the Beast in the world of adult pastimes.

Okay, maybe I am just a little biased. Growing up, I never remember my parents having a so much as heated discussion in front of me, much less a cigarette. True, I may be the sibling with the least-desirable result of their parenting efforts, but, regardless, the 'rents did manage to teach me one of life's most valuable lessons: "Save the drama for your momma."

So, earth to future mothers everywhere: it's called birth control! It comes highly recommended by me, but, even more importantly, it gives you a chance to plan gestation for a time when you will be ready to spend your surplus income on stuff babies like, and not on cigarettes.


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