In Which the Educational Systems Lets Mandy Down: Part Ten Millions

Author: Notoriously, Mandy. / Labels: , , , ,

I haven't blogged in forever, and, if you look at the date and subject matter of my last blog, the reason is obvious: I got two jobs and started taking more courses on campus.

After having accomplished what has always been my #1 goal in life - obtaining a degree - in December, I was all set to start taking a few graduate courses in January. This didn't leave me a lot of time to take the GRE and pander for letters of recommendation, but my advisor assured me that I could receive provisional admission and take classes while I got my portfolio together. This sounded like a great idea, until I looked online and found out that provisionally-admitted students don't get financial aid - no Pell Grants, no loans, no nothing. So essentially, A&M-Commerce screwed up my educational plans bigtime. Oh, well. I didn't really want to go to grad school there, anyway.

So now, here I am, bored again, and blogging. Join me on my adventure as I look for a job! Apply to grad schools! Write all kinds of things while I sit at home with nothing else to do! Clean my apartment! Eat Mac N Cheese! Watch paint dry! If you don't want to keep reading, that's fine. I didn't want you to look at my blog, anyway.


Anonymous said...

Too bad we have to work. Writing is so much more fun! AND, you are so good at it too. :)

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