Q & A With Mandy.

Author: Notoriously, Mandy. /

Could you handle being married to the last person you texted?
At this point, being married to anybody would be a fate worse than death (hah)... but I could probably handle a long-time commitment to LIVING with my sister. Hmm.

Were you happy when you woke up today?
Not really, just cold.

Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?
I try not to talk to people I hate - it kills my buzz.

Can you honestly say you're okay right now?
I am very, very happy with things.

Do you have good vision?

How do you feel about answering personal and/or intimate questions?
It depends on who I'm answering them TO.

Do you like sushi?
I don't know, because I don't want to eat it. I don't mind being unsophisticated.

Regret not doing anything in the past week?
Not particularly.

Has a guy ever seriously punched you more than once?
Apparently, under the influence of certain substances, I sometimes feel compelled to get creative and TELL people that - but it's not really true.

Do you think you were ever in love?
Oh, sure.

Did 11:11 already pass?
Yeah, I guess I didn't notice because I was busy being a grownup and not watching the clock to wish for a new boyfriend or something.

Are you a bad influence?
That's what they say.

What were you doing at 8 this morning?
Making myself hot for work. Great success, but, now, I'm realizing that it's just work, and I'm looking sexy for nothing.

Do you remember your dreams?
I do, a lot of the time.

If you had to choose someone to sleep next to every night, and wake up to every morning; who would it be?
Diablo. The more men I meet, the more I love my dog...

Day been rough?
Not really.

Who called you last?
Hah, speaking of men...

Do you look decent when you wake up?
It depends on who you ask.

Does seeing couples in love make you mad?
No... but how am I supposed to tell if someone is in love, anyway? I usually just assume that they're stupid.

What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on?
Get tested.

What is your opinion on sex without emotional commitment?
Other people's sex is not my business, and my sex is not the internet's business.

What can you hear right now?
James Morrison: Broken Strings.

Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school?
Nope. I am academically well-behaved.

Are you positive that you are not pregnant?
Right now? Totally positive.

Do you feel alone even in crowded rooms?
Not unless I don't know anyone in the room. Then I just feel like I need a drink.

What is the worst thing a person could do to you and still be forgiven?
Forgiven by who?

Would you fall apart if that last person you kissed walked out of your life?
I'm a big girl - I'm pretty sure I could handle it.

Anything you are looking forward to?
It's the weekend, baby! I just need to get off work.

What are you doing tomorrow?
Trailer party.

Were you single over the summer?
Well, I sure as hell wasn't married.

How late did you stay up last night?
'Til about 1.

Can you read other people's expressions?
Not really... I am totally un-subtle.


Author: Notoriously, Mandy. /

Number of girls in my Modern Grammar class wearing athletic sneakers with jeans: 2 (Sketchers: 1; unidentifiable, but probably Wal-Mart: 1)

Number of fat people who opted for the more spacious table in the back: 2

Number of lonely and isolated men in this class: 3 (Students: 2; teacher: 1)

Number of older adult students who are probably taking this class way too seriously: 3ish (this IS East Texas, and teenage pregnancy can really age a person)

Number of water bottles: 3

Number of soda bottles: 1

Number of soda bottles sitting in front of overweight women with clearly-visible leopard bras: 1